Daily meditation:
After a week of divine love in Seoul, Korea…
A cold wind that warms my heart touches my being with its whispers feeling Her. Leaves are following me around taken by the cloak of its shadows.
It brings me echoes from Han River missing our talks in heart and mind. I have to visit you soon, my beloved friend.
Sun is smiling to me as a pleasant feeling so close to Her.
It feels like the place to be close to Her for the rest of my life.
Will destiny give its consent in the present future?!
The connection with soul images around Seoul while walking in meditation feels as being a part of their life. If I close my eyes, I could see all their hearts singing the same melody as mine while praising the divine love on the shrine of my heart.
Her voice in the vibration of the town presence around my heart is music for my ears.
The most beautiful part of being in Seoul is the fact that it is so easy to feel Her.
The difference senses in everything. From the energy used feeling Her to the places with the scent of her existence – there are more blissful moments with Her than anytime before.
Unfortunately, I didn’t find nor encounter her soul image, but I feel her presence greater than ever before.
Although the mind was quiet all the time, in the silence of my meditation, it raised dozens of questions without answers.
Did her soul image even know about my existence and feelings?!
Did her soul image have the same feelings but not showing?!
Did her soul image will have a connection with our destiny in the future?!
Am I sure that what I feel it’s not troubled and insane mind?!
How can my heart prove in the reality of my existence that feelings towards Her are beyond this realm?!
That coincidentally moments of this reality feeling Her inside are numerous to be confused with random events and not part of the destiny?!
The only real truth is that Her didn’t make a connection in the real world with our soul images yet.
If only her soul image could give a sign that is not my imagination feeling Her.
That divine love feeling reflected in our souls is not a dream but a vision of what both our hearts want.

This is for the spirits.