The Power of Divine Love in Just Love Her

In a world filled with distractions and logical reasoning, few things are more potent than love’s pure, unyielding essence. Just Love Her is both a mantra and a guiding principle in exploring divine love, calling readers to let go of the need for explanations...

The Divine Love of Her

Just Love Her notebook The book explores the concept of “divine love” as the source and ultimate expression of all love, particularly romantic love. This concept intertwines with the author’s personal experiences and relationships, suggesting a path...

The Challenge of Reviewing Spiritual Literature

Addressing Misunderstandings in the Review of Just Love Her In the world of book reviews, every reader brings their own set of experiences and preferences to the table, and that diversity is essential to the literary ecosystem. However, misinterpretations can arise...

Exploring The Deeper Connections in Just Love Her

In my previous article, I addressed several points raised in the recent review of Just Love Her, focusing on the highlighted misconceptions about spirituality and love. Today, I want to expand on the parts not fully explored in that article, clarifying the themes the...
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