Daily meditation:
Cradle of Divine Love feeling Her while in Seoul, Korea…
Seeing a kiss between two lovers, it is like a feeling of divine love in the deeps of the heart.
The same thing happens when they share moments of love, even the simple ones like a glance, a touch of hands, and words of love as well.
It is a test if the feelings are real and mutual. Because if it’s not valid has no resonance at all. The heart is a good lie detector.
Take, for example, nature. Never not once it happens, so not feeling the divine love reflected in its existence.
All the elements as clouds, trees, flowers, you name it, speak with my heart on deep feeling vibrations while in the middle of the centre of existence – nature.
And in my times of happy sorrow missing Her always cuddled my soul through its signs around my being.
Clouds taking her soul image face to ease my mind, wind whispers reminding the touch of her hair on my face to calm my heart, and birds were singing all around me with her voice to speak the language of love from my soul.
While in Seoul, nature is even closer to my soul, especially my beloved friend, Han River, keeping me company with her presence and never felt alone without Her around my heart and soul.
Although, from another culture and identity, my heart and soul felt as being a part of Korean traditions and presence.
Maybe indeed, in the past lives, I have been on these realms. Or maybe in the future lives, I will be reborn in one of the soul images living here.
And all it happened because of Her. Without her presence in my heart and connection with my soul, not in my wildest dreams, it would have occurred to dare to dream or follow my visions.
I can’t say the same thing about my mind.
Lately, it bothered my heart and soul harder than ever before.
And I can’t blame its reasoning. As heart and soul have their visions, same, I have to let the mind do its own thing.
It’s a free world inside my entity, and I’m not a tyrant at all, although being on the side of heart and soul.
Mostly, I like nightfall when everything inside goes quiet, and mind is resting, leaving all the space inside to the love meditation.
All the Seoul sky is mine to wonder while feeling Her clouding my heart.
Maybe, sometime in the future of the present reality, her soul image looking up in the sky will have a glimpse of my soul existence.