Walking meditation:
Destinies all around me and inside my heart…
All I see around me walking in Seoul are destinies.
Soul images wandering on the path of their destiny with sleepy looks, troubled expressions, thoughtful and thoughtless faces. Some will have significant futures, while others will live a forgetful life.
Since our birth, destinies settle our future from the family where we’re born to the souls that meddle with our path.
We don’t even know if the kid that we thought that it’s a waste of our time and space would become the star or saint that we admire the most in the future.
That’s the story of my life. Not known, not a star, not even a door to the unknown. I called Me sometimes, Mr Nobody.
Without Her in my life, I would have carried on the forgotten existence. Burying the knowledge and the feelings in the pits of oblivion.
I felt and experienced a few times in the past of my younger Self the miracles hidden behind the reality of our eyes.
There was a time when I wouldn’t dare to question the reality of my visions as I do now. Because it was the vision and then pure truth following it.
But in those times I was searching the powers over the limits of our bodies. It didn’t matter if I die trying or live as a blind man after.
That changed when divine love took me under its wings and shaped the future of my life – to become a nobody, but with a heart full of love.
Since the touch of its feathers, my heart spread the divine love around my existence unknown and without expectations.
Sometimes for the whole universe and existence, other times only for another soul.
Now that I touched its feathers again because of Her the divine love felt is more than a mind can think of: from her soul image to the whole existence, from the universe to the multiverse, from the reality to alternate realities.