Daily meditation:
Every day is a new beginning and end – it’s a celebration of lost and found love…
For a long time, celebrations for different events and time passing year ending became a daily sentiment inside my heart.
Every day it feels like the first and the last seeing its importance over my life and heart.
Every day it resembles life itself. Waking up in the morning is like being born with the knowledge of past lives experiences, different realities and soul search.
Going through the day struggling with life bitterness and then going to sleep, not knowing if the next day is coming. You only hope or not aware of the importance of these unique moments.
Each one of these daily moments won’t come back. Destiny writes it only once no matter the consequences.
It isn’t straightforward though to live each of every day as a celebration of life and love.
For once your heart must be open to a divine feeling of love, otherwise no vibration in spirit, no experience to worth living.
That’s the divine love touching feeling; it makes every day and moment a blessing to the soul existence.
It gives a reason to live through soul image revealed on the walls of feelings from the heart, sorting through the many soulmates born from the void of divinity, the one that will become the light of love sparked into other existence.
Since her soul image revealed to my heart through divine love feeling, I wake up and go to sleep living the moments of pure love as a blessing to my soul.
It was the first time in my life between the passing of years when I didn’t feel the loneliness void in my heart living on this Earth, as I’ve found through divine love the only one soul that complete my being, despite the happy sorrow feeling of love.
‘Just Love Her’ became ‘raison d’ être’ for my spiritual path of an incumbent future.
Without Her, my life would have carried on the meaningless daily moments without spreading the message of divine love further.
I thank Her for reviving the spark of love inside my heart and give a new meaning of divine love feeling in my life and others who will follow her path to the enlightenment in the future.