In my previous article, I addressed several points raised in the recent review of Just Love Her, focusing on the highlighted misconceptions about spirituality and love. Today, I want to expand on the parts not fully explored in that article, clarifying the themes the reviewer found perplexing, such as the connections with The Matrix, quantum mechanics, and divine love’s role in the narrative.

Before diving into these themes, I want to mention that I had the option not to publish this critical review. Still, I chose to share it because it reflects potential issues other readers may face—particularly those unfamiliar with the spirituality genre. Acknowledging and addressing these gaps is essential for a more inclusive understanding of the themes at play.

The Matrix Connection: A Metaphor for Divine Illumination

The reviewer mentioned my references to The Matrix and felt that these references undermined the seriousness of the book’s spiritual reflections. However, The Matrix is not merely a pop culture reference but a powerful metaphor for awakening the soul and unveiling deeper truths. In the film, the central theme revolves around waking up to a deeper reality, which parallels the spiritual awakening described in Just Love Her.

We often use familiar metaphors to convey abstract, complex ideas in spiritual discourse. The Matrix offered a metaphor that modern readers could easily relate to—illustrating the transition from living in a surface reality to perceiving a more profound, divine truth. The journey of self-discovery and breaking free from illusions is central to the movie and the spiritual path discussed in my book.

For readers versed in spirituality, this analogy resonates strongly. It represents the shedding of material perceptions to connect with something eternal, transcendent, and pure. While I understand that such a comparison may not resonate with everyone, significantly those unaccustomed to spiritual discourse, it bridges contemporary culture and timeless spiritual insights.

Quantum Mechanics: The Intersection of Science and Divine Love

The review also briefly touched on my inclusion of quotes related to quantum mechanics, which might seem out of place to someone unfamiliar with the crossroads between science and spirituality. However, this inclusion was intentional. At its core, Quantum mechanics explores the nature of reality at the subatomic level—concepts like energy fields, entanglement, and the interconnectedness of everything. These are not just scientific ideas but also metaphysical ones, echoing ancient spiritual teachings.

In Just Love Her, I draw a parallel between the mystery of quantum mechanics and the mystery of divine love. Both exist beyond the scope of our everyday understanding and require a certain openness to the unknown. When we explore love’s essence, we delve into something similarly elusive and omnipresent—something that cannot be entirely explained through words or logic but is instead felt and experienced.

By including these concepts, I emphasize that spirituality and science are not mutually exclusive; they often illuminate the same truths from different angles. I recognise this might feel overwhelming for those readers who may not have a background in quantum mechanics or spirituality, but that is precisely why these connections need to be explained further.

Why I Chose to Publish the Review

I believe that honest feedback, even when critical, can be an opportunity for growth—not just for me as the author but also for readers. It’s clear that this review reflects a disconnect between the book’s intended audience and the perspective of the reviewer, who is admittedly not familiar with the spirituality genre. However, this is exactly why I chose to make this review public.

Spiritual books are often challenging for readers not already on a similar path of inquiry, but they offer a gateway for those willing to explore new dimensions of thought. By openly addressing this review, I hope to provide more context and understanding for readers with similar reactions. I aim to defend the book’s more profound meaning and offer it as an opportunity for growth and reflection, even for those outside the traditional spiritual readership.


This article serves as a continuation of the dialogue started in my previous post. Addressing points like the Matrix analogy, integrating quantum mechanics, and deciding to publish the review reflects my commitment to open communication and deeper understanding. For those readers who may still feel confused or uncertain, I invite you to see the book as a journey, much like the spiritual path itself—one that may initially seem unclear but gradually reveals its meaning to those willing to engage with it on a deeper level.

As always, I welcome dialogue and reflections from all readers, whether they are familiar with the spirituality genre or not. Let’s continue the conversation and explore what divine love means in all its forms.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 191 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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