Daily meditation:
And I’m going to dream of Her in the middle of the day for the rest of my life
Have you had ever the impression that your body isn’t enough suited for your soul?
That your mind is not enough prepared for your intuition?
That ideas and information that comes through your mind and brain is too much to handle?
Well, I felt it so many times, and I still believe that the body given to my soul to live in is too weak. And the level of my brain intelligence and memory can’t handle the amount of information received and also is struggling to decode my heart intuition.
Many dreams lost in the shadow of the sleep. Many past lives relieved in dreams forgotten as soon as eyes opened.
And dreams of love happened in reality as in mystical and magical stories many years ago. Now just dust in the wheel of time.
And yet one true reflection of divine love cuddled my soul since it was awakened from the deep sleep of karma (law of cause and effect).
Now living in another dream of loving Her in the middle of the day.
Who knows where the path of love will bend the time and space for our souls to dance in rays of the eye’s light?!
For the moment, any second away from Her is like a punishment for my soul.
It’s beautiful the art of drinking tea from an empty cup. But drinking real tea from a full cup is way better.
And I’m gonna dream of Her in the middle of the day till the end of times…
Until her soul will embrace my soul in the dream of love.
A love beyond time and space…
Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths.