Daily meditation:
If would be the last moments of my life, what would I do?!
I would dance and sing and be the happiest man on Earth.
Finally, the last mystery of life would be solved in an instant, passing this life to who knows what, when, and if it’s the end.
What if you would be with Her after finding her soul image?!
Tricky question, no comment.
Few times I expected to leave this life, and instead, I found the divine love existence, experienced the oneness and evolution at its best.
While everyone around seems to be afraid of leaving this life, I always thought that it’s the greatest mystery of this life unsolved.
Yes, there is a lot of information, scriptures about life after death and so on. Yet, I have never met anyone who came back to tell stories about this experience.
And how could be possible since it’s gone for good?!
It sounds a little bit dark, I know, but I don’t feel the darkness.
When your heart is full of divine love, death is just another word as life, for example.
I believe that is just another step for the soul to choose another body because one life it’s not enough to experience the enlightenment for most of the souls.
I have an excellent relationship with my sister in arms since a long time ago as I expected to leave this world way sooner, and still, here I am.
I didn’t try hardcore things, but at least I expected its breath. And every time didn’t want me, instead received the greatest gift of this life – the eternal love.
I thought lately that this is it, I am on the path for the last moment as long as it takes it. And instead, I found Her.
And I started a new journey to discover past lives and new futures of the present.
Why Seoul?!
Why Her?!
Would her soul image make known its presence in this reality or other worlds in the future?!
That’s the beauty of the unknown.
You think you know how it feels everything and yet you know nothing “Jon Snow“.
Information notes:
Jon Snow is a fictional character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin, and its television adaptation Game of Thrones, in which he is portrayed by English actor Kit Harington. In the novels, he is a prominent point of view character. He is one of the most popular characters in the series, and The New York Times cites him as one of the author’s finest creations.
More info about “Jon Snow“: