Daily meditation:

Living the dream…

Recently, I’ve been told that I live the dream…
Maybe it seems so from outside.
I mean due to my heart feelings for Her lately, it really seems so inside. It’s more than a dream.

I was living the dream back in the days, being with the beloved soul image many years ago. But fate and material side took it away from me.
Now, to live the dream again should be with Her in this reality, hence in this destiny.
Is still okay because, in my heart, the divine love reflection is always burning but would be heavenly to be with her soul image not just in my visions and definitely not only in my dreams.

I can see the difference only looking inside when I see Her as a reality. When her eyes melt my heart to tears, and every atom of her being is touching my soul.
Nothing else in my reality can surpass that.

Without the divine love reflection awareness and practice wouldn’t be a dream or reality vision. It would be just another story of human love, passing and life-limited, not with a touch of eternity and not with a drop of divine love over the shadow of our existence.

This is the message of divine love through time.
Being aware and living through the divinity of love reflection practice in our life, the dream of love will become a living and touching reality of divine love in our existence.
Love will become our God/Goddess.

Many soul images think that the dream of this life it is to be accomplished materially and professionally as soon as possible. And higher, the better.
But other soul images prove it wrong. They were accomplished in both aspects, yet they gave up on this life due to the emptiness inside.
A void that can’t be filled by life dreams.
Human love could fill it temporarily but is not enough sometimes if you don’t see the source hiding behind it.

Only divine love awareness could give us a real meaning of life. And wouldn’t be just a dream if you are feeling and living it.
Then the soul image revealed through the feelings from your heart due to divine love reflection awareness will not be only another human love.
That soul image revealed in your heart will become the image of the divine love and the meaning of your life.

Bored and usual tags of human love will lose its sense in the realm of divine love.
The divine love reflection practice with the soul image of your beloved soul will open the forbidden door to heaven in this reality, not in the afterlife as it is promised by all religions and spiritual practices.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 193 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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