Loving Divine Love… when love becomes God inside…

Most religions worship God due to fear of punishment in this life or next to one, for a promised heaven or a living hell for eternity.

Worshipping Divine Love as God/Goddess happens only because of love feeling that burns our ego.
Love becomes the master and the inner feeling to follow and do the right thing and spread the love all around.
It leads finally to the enlightenment when our inner Self becomes one with the feeling of love.

And that feeling of love – loving Divine Love – just because, and no reason or expectation, nor rewards or a better life, lead to awareness and consciousness of the existence of divine love in itself as a deity.
A deity that doesn’t punish or throws you to hell due to sins, nor rewards or promise heaven due to a righteous life.
Love lived and accomplished in this life is more than an award or illusion of heaven.
A life without love is more than hell in this existence.

Following and loving Divine Love gives the scent of divinity in a shallow life, make a connection with our soul, and free up our inner Self from the chains of the mind.
All that we have to do is not to reject or postpone the feeling of love once settled in our hearts and run away for material or professional achievement.

Whether living as a saint or as a sinner, whatever we do, do it with a heart full of love.
And if sinner, sins will be washed and burned due to fire of love burning inside.
And if saint, we will feel more humble and grateful for the gift of divine love that only gods and deities know its origins and that holy love is their “blood“.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 193 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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