Daily meditation: Missing Her… Shivers in my heart.
Some days are quiet and shadowed of my daily life.
These times makes me think that my visions are just a drop of forgotten memories from my past lives.
Then comes that moment when shivers struck through my heart missing Her all of a sudden.
Missing Her so much that it burns my heart… moisty eyes with tears of sorrow for my unhappy soul.
In these moments, I let myself loose on the feeling inside closing my eyes and emptying my mind of any thought.
It is a moment of eternity accumulated with pain from all past lives, present futures and all universe crying of painful memories.
I feel the sadness and agony of all beings on this Earth along the timeline of existence. A never-ending bounce of suffering on the rope of destiny.
The ache of missing Her is happening, expecting her soul image in my reality and destiny.
The connection inside between our souls feels the broken link with the present destiny and reality of our soul images.
Time and space act like a barrier separating eternity from the timeline of existence.
Inside it feels the eternity of our androgynous being as portrayed by Leonardo Da Vinci visions – our souls’ images becoming one through divine love reflected in our souls. Hence the pain felt when in reality not yet an incarnation of this vision from inside.
Nobody can understand androgynous visions until two soul images look into each other eyes being aware of divine love existence. At that moment, both souls become one and soul images feel the same way inside of heart and mind.
That’s how I feel Her inside my heart and mind – a part of my being inside my heart. And with wishful thinking to be outside with her soul image as well.
Looking around outside no sign of Her, yet closing my eyes I found Her inside my heart, instead here no sign of Me.