Daily meditation:

Moments of eternity along the wheel of time

Every moment you are living is a moment of eternity and is printed in the wheel of time forever.
So be aware of every second in your life to leave your soul touching the existence.

If you are in love with another soul, it’s a must.
These moments will be there to remember in other lives.
If you weren’t aware, it would be hard to remember the soul who fired the spark of love inside you.
It is essential to living every moment with consciousness because this way, souls can connect hearts and minds over time and space. It is not magic; it’s just the science of divine love reflected into souls’ existence.

That’s why it’s hard to fall in love again if you had deception in past relationship.
You don’t see it reflected the divine love in that pure human love.
You can’t see due to your closed third eye the existence of divine love reflected in everything around you.
Some perceived it as God reflected in all existence. Only a few foresaw the real source that connects and keeps together everything. Well, many called, few chosen.

It appears that you can truly love one person in your whole life, and that is your other half.
Maybe it’s right for human love due to ego.
Human love wants to possess the other soul being dependant, whereas divine love gives total freedom.
It’s a love without borders because feelings write rules and boundaries.

In divine love, the feeling of Her inside is always there.
The soul image painted over your soul become your other one.
If the soul image wants to be free and doesn’t feel the same, you can’t do anything about it.
You can’t possess the other souls. It’s a gift of love, not a purchase and surely not a thing.

So if you had deception in love, don’t give up never on the love you felt.
Soul image is passing, but love is immortal.
That’s why if you love through divine love, you can’t ever hate Her.
You will be hurt or suffer but never have hate and no matter what you will want the other soul’s happiness.

Love through divine love is a total surrender to another soul to become one due to your heart feelings.
You don’t exist inside. Only Her is your existence.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 193 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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