Spiritual literature often distinguishes between abstract metaphors, deeply personal contemplations, and transcendental experiences. This genre can resonate powerfully with some readers while feeling distant or perplexing to others. Feedback and reviews, such as a recent one on Goodreads, have highlighted struggles with understanding Just Love Her. While I welcome these varied perspectives, this article aims to clarify key concepts, themes, and the broader intention of the book. Ultimately, I hope to help those navigating the complexities of spiritual literature find their way into the depths of its meaning.

Understanding “Her”: The Core of Divine Love

The recurring concept of “Her” in Just Love Her represents a personification of divine love, reflecting the divine feminine. But “Her” is more than just a character; it is an archetype—a guiding essence that invites readers to see love in its most transcendent form. The name “Her” is intentionally left open-ended for personal interpretation and exploration.

Divine love is often hard to pin down with straightforward definitions. Throughout the book, “Her” is a symbolic bridge between human love and a more profound spiritual connection that transcends words and logic. This can be seen in meditations that reflect the human yearning for soul connections and divine encounters, such as:

“When I look at Her, I feel her with my heart as part of it.”

The use of “Her” is meant to challenge the reader to go beyond conventional understanding and feel their way into the experience rather than intellectually dissecting it. It speaks to the idea of divine love being ever-present and all-encompassing, flowing within and around us, and acknowledging the goddess-like nature of this energy in our lives.

The Mix of God and Goddesses: A Balance Beyond Definitions

In Just Love Her, references to both “God” and “goddesses” appear frequently, which can perplex those expecting a singular religious framework. This blend reflects the duality and harmony between spirituality’s masculine and feminine aspects. By embracing both “God” and “goddesses,” the book offers a holistic view of divinity that is not confined to traditional religious dogma.

For example, passages that explore the balance of divine love highlight that it is not a matter of choosing one tradition over another but embracing a spiritual unity that transcends boundaries. Both the divine masculine and feminine are seen as complementary energies that shape our experience of love and the universe. This interconnectedness is a recurring theme that invites readers to explore beyond religious separations and into the essence of what divine love represents.

Finding Clarity: Glossary and Context

Understanding spiritual concepts can be challenging for anyone unfamiliar with the genre, which is why I’ve provided a glossary on my website here. This serves as a helpful guide to the terms, notions, and reflections present in Just Love Her. These terms aren’t arbitrarily chosen; each has a purpose in reflecting the abstract nature of divine love, soul images, and meditative experiences.

Readers are encouraged to refer to this glossary to deepen their understanding and uncover the layers of meaning behind the book. The glossary bridges the spiritual and intellectual aspects of the work, allowing for deeper contemplation and better navigation through abstract spiritual terrain.

Spirituality as a Personal and Reflective Journey

The reviewer mentioned the difficulty in following the “non-linear” style of the book. And this is an intentional aspect of Just Love Her. Spiritual journeys are not meant to be linear or bound by conventional storytelling. Much like the journey of the soul, the reflections within the book circle around, revisit themes and flow naturally through different insights and revelations.

This non-linear approach reflects how spiritual realizations emerge—unexpectedly, often without clear beginnings or endings. By choosing this style, the author aims to invite readers to slow down, meditate on each thought, and let their intuition guide them through the themes rather than approach the text as a standard narrative.

Humour in a Dilemma: My Brother’s Perspective

Interestingly, the reviewer’s feedback mirrors my experience with my brother, who struggled to grasp the book’s themes. In one particular passage from Just Love Her, I write about his reaction:

My brother told me after reading only two of my writings:
‘Bro, I didn’t understand even half of the reading …
Or it’s not my type of feeling.’

This moment highlights the universal challenge of diving into the unknown, unfamiliar, or complex concepts. This experience is not limited to spirituality; any genre that touches on deep human emotions, philosophy, or abstract thought will be met with varied interpretations. For me, sharing this story was a way to acknowledge that not everyone will resonate immediately or understand the book’s depth—it’s all part of the journey.

A Note on Writing a Different Kind of Book

The reviewer humorously suggested, “Hopefully, the Author would just write a book.” While Just Love Her is far from a traditional novel, this was a conscious choice. In the early stages of writing, I had considered dividing the work into two parts—one that dives deeply into spirituality, like the current form, and another as a fiction novel inspired by the meditations and reflections within. However, I realized these would be two books with separate purposes.

Just Love Her needed to remain true to its intention—a severe and heartfelt exploration of spirituality, not a work of fiction. However, I recognize the interest in exploring these themes through fictional narratives. I look forward to crafting a future book that touches upon the same topics in a way that’s more grounded in storytelling for readers who seek that connection.

Embracing Reviews that Highlight Struggles

One of the most valuable aspects of receiving reviews—especially from readers unfamiliar with the genre—is the opportunity to address struggles and clarify themes. My goal has always been to invite everyone into the conversation about love, spirituality, and existential questions, regardless of their background or familiarity with spiritual terms.

The beauty of literature lies in its ability to reflect diverse experiences. Not everyone will resonate with the same books or find meaning in the same places, and that’s okay. Reviews like these provide an opportunity to shine a light on the path of spirituality for those who may feel it’s too challenging or “not for them.”

In conclusion, if you are intrigued by spiritual musings or wish to explore more profound, more reflective ideas on love and divinity, I encourage you to approach Just Love Her with an open heart. Allow the book to guide you—not through answers, but through questions that spark your journey of self-discovery.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 191 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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