Poetry is divine love lost in translation!
Raz Mihal
Poetry is a pleasant way to compress in a few words so many feelings.
That’s why poetry, the same as human love, is underrated.
Poets struggle most of the time to make a living from their creativity.
Only a handful of people are attracted to poetry, maybe because the language encodes a meaning hard to understand for so many souls addicted to their minds. Yet, poetry is the language of heart feelings.
Not all souls have the talent to express through poetry the beauty of love or grandeur of nature or the enlightened path for our souls.
Some souls don’t need words to express the beauty inside their hearts.
Everything around them changes through the scent of love throw out by their enlightened souls. The problem is that only those close to them feel it.
Words and wisdom of so many poets and writers filled the void inside the heart of so many souls. It helped numerous hungry soul images in search of the meaning of life and understanding the abyss inside their hearts.
Because the source of feelings is the same for poets and writers as for the saints, gurus and philosophers, while some souls need years of practice or whole life to reach enlightenment, others are born with and don’t even know it.
You don’t ask a rose why that scent around their existence and the same goes for the beauty of love expressed through words by poets and writers.
If Love isn't the effort you put in to show your feelings, then what is it?!