Walking meditation:

That Birmingham feeling not found in Redditch, my home…

Every town has its personality and feeling translated into our hearts and souls through unseen and unknown relation with past lives or realities.
Same it happens with countries, continents and any other place or part of nature that surround us.
It’s like every place, thing and named living being on the face of the Earth encapsulated in words representing it, has its unique personality and soul alike existence.

A Birmingham feeling is touching my heart every time visiting it, every week mostly.
I can’t describe it because it’s like a connection beyond words. You have to feel it too so we can relate through feelings.
Could be again related to past lives or one of the realities in the multiverse.

It replenishes my energy every time taking a stroll from Cineworld along Broad Street, Centenary Square, Victoria Square, passing next to New Street Station and Bullring, to the Cathedral Square.
It’s like going through civilisations from all the corners of the Earth. And seeing all kind of nationalities and cultures during the walk.

This area is in continuous changing witnessing year after year improvement and development of new buildings and places along with the strolling locations.
Sometimes it brings memories from the past now long forgotten, where history wrote many pages of tumultuous changes.
Some of them kept inside the Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery next to Victoria Square, are a reminder of art and culture from medieval times.

Whenever the feeling of happy sorrow exists in my heart, a stroll through the centre of Birmingham City Centre, heal for some moments the empty pain from my heart missing Her.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 192 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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