Just Love Her notebook

The book explores the concept of “divine love” as the source and ultimate expression of all love, particularly romantic love. This concept intertwines with the author’s personal experiences and relationships, suggesting a path to enlightenment through recognizing the divine in human connection.

Divine Love as the Source and Reflection

The book emphasizes that “divine love” is not merely a human emotion but a fundamental force, a deity in itself, existing as an “absolute and infinite existence” [1, 2]. While traditional religions may focus on a God separate from love, the author posits that “divine love is the God/Goddess” [3], a concept he terms “Love Religion” [4]. This “Love Religion” suggests that rather than worshipping an external God, individuals should recognize the divine within themselves and their relationships, mainly through the love felt for a soulmate [5].

In this framework, human love is not separate from divine love but rather a “reflection” of it [6, 7]. When individuals experience romantic love, they are glimpsing the divine. This recognition of the divine within human love elevates the relationship, making it a pathway to spiritual growth and enlightenment [8, 9].

The author uses the analogy of a mirror to illustrate this relationship, where “the mirror itself is divine love”, the reflection is the individual soul, and the awareness of this reflection is “divine love reflection” [10]. This “divine love reflection” is the energy that allows humans to experience and perceive divine love in their lives [7].

Personal Experience as a Testament to Divine Love

The author’s personal experiences with a woman referred to as “HER” throughout the text are central to understanding his concept of divine love. He describes an all-consuming love for her, a profound feeling that transcends the physical realm and connects them on a soul level [11, 12]. This connection, he believes, is not confined to their present lives but extends across past lives and alternate realities, hinting at a predestined bond orchestrated by divine love [13, 14].

The author’s relationship with “HER” is characterized by intense feelings of love, longing, and a sense of interconnectedness [15, 16]. He experiences her presence everywhere, seeing her reflected in nature and everyday occurrences [17]. This profound connection leads him to believe that she is not merely a woman he loves but the embodiment of divine love itself [18, 19].

This concept is further exemplified by the author’s assertion that “HER is … YOU” [20], suggesting that the object of divine love is not limited to a specific individual but represents a universal connection to the divine within and between all beings.

The Challenges and Rewards of Divine Love

The book acknowledges that the path of divine love is not without its challenges. The author describes experiencing moments of doubt, questioning his sanity and the reality of his connection with “HER” [21]. He also notes the pain of separation and the difficulty of reconciling his profound spiritual connection with the limitations of the physical world [22, 23].

Despite these obstacles, the author emphasizes the transformative power of embracing divine love. By acknowledging the divine source of his feelings for “HER”, he finds a sense of purpose and meaning in life [24, 25]. The love he feels becomes a source of strength and inspiration, allowing him to transcend the mundane and connect with a more profound reality [26, 27].

The text ultimately advocates for a life lived in pursuit of divine love. By recognizing the divine within ourselves and our relationships, the author suggests we can unlock our true potential and experience a level of love and happiness that transcends the limitations of the material world [28, 29].

10 citations from Just Love Her

Citation [1]

The only requirement for reaching and feeling divine love is to consent to its existence, and when love touches your existence, acknowledge its divinity source. Let the feeling of love attain higher and higher vibrations until your whole being is bathed in love – and you become pure love – divine love. The road is not easy, and there will be many obstacles, but remember that the only real impediment is your shallow mind.

That’s how my love for Her became a ritual. I was fortunate enough to bathe in divine love; in this way, her soul image became Her – the image of divine love. I call this love religion. Instead of choosing an image imposed by religions or dogma, I decided on the soul image revealed through divine love, melting my heart and existence. And I decided on other soul images a few times – the only thing is the same – the divine love inside.

Citation [2]

And what other power representation out there could be more beautiful and make a lot more sense?


Love energy’s absolute and infinite existence is in the form of divine love.

Love has no limit or end, and it exists in us without our awareness. Most of the time, rejection of love leads to other twisted feelings born from running away from it. These new twisted feelings are born using the energy of love. That’s why it has been said that the dark is the absence of light – there is no dark out there.

Citation [3]

Divine love is the God/Goddess praised and the source of all religions and beliefs.

Acknowledging its divinity and conceptualising divine love’s existence happen through intimate relations between soul images, such as soulmates and lovers. The only diff erence is that love becomes divine through awareness and consciousness of its existence as divinity.

The connection between souls occurs through divine love refl ected in our hearts’ feelings. The problem is that most of us aren’t aware of this process. Maybe it’s not yet the right time to reveal love’s existence as divinity. We have many years to evolve, understand and accept divine love as a deity.

Citation [4]

Your beloved soul image revealed in your heart becomes the face of divine love, your deity. Love becomes your God/Goddess.


‘Love Religion’ is not a religion per se but rather a system of belief beyond the creation of religions – all religions or divinity, for that matter.

In this mindset, the energy and vibration at the deepest level inside matter are also included, following the recent discoveries in the quantum fi eld of physics. And if you read all the scriptures in this world – the oldest and the newest – it reveals its existence as described in science in a language of noobie versus advanced practitioner of science, like tomato tomato or potato potato.

Citation [5]

Drawing a final line, the energy or force behind the existence of the concept of love with absolute and infinite characteristics is at the origins and inside all the existence or nonexistence (although there is still an existence of something that is the opposite of existence – antimatter?!).

I called it Love Religion because why not? If there is a religion for God, even more there should be one for the existence of Love. And God won’t be against its creation and hence its existence.

Love flows through everything and animates the whole existence. It can’t be understood or proved through any instruments – not yet. But it can be felt through our hearts and going further, allowing it to reveal its divine existence without borders, giving up our limited minds and choosing our bottomless hearts. That’s why the scriptures say that deities are jealous of our existence. If you have been created with the awareness of divine love since birth or the creation of the universe, it’s hard to experience the mystic feeling humans feel.

Citation [6]

Love is a powerful ‘weapon’ if used constantly until it becomes your heart’s breath. The scriptures call love ‘the blood of God’.

I went further in my meditations, calling it divine love and seeing human love as a refl ection of it. The soul is revealed when you become aware of the connection between ‘human love’, ‘the divine love’ and ‘the refl ection of the divine love’. These instances of love are the Trinity of God as I see it through divine love vision. All representations have an existence by themselves and are interconnected as one.

Citation [7]


I call ‘soul image’ the pure reflection of the soul in human existence.

When we know the Trinity of Divine Love realm and its manifestation in our existence, the soul can recognise another soulmate through divine love’s refl ection in our heart feelings.

The Trinity of Divine Love:

• Divine love – God/Goddess realm, love existence in itself as a deity.

• Divine love reflection – the energy and acting power of divine love reflecting in the individual souls.

• Soul – the individual and unique representation behind our existence as humans, as soul images, is unchanged and keeps the record of our reincarnation and information.

Citation [8]

Every time you share this love with another soul, you are thankful for it as a gift and happy just for living it and nothing else. Love in your heart becomes one with the loved one through divine love as a bond beyond any limits. You won’t ever count or measure your feelings for a soul you love because every moment is unique. Every soul is individual. Your only hope is that love won’t separate your soul images ever … And even if it happens, you will never forget nor hate that soul image.

Because it happens … Usually, neither soul image is aware of the reflection of divine love in their feelings. This is why human love, although highly praised, is not seen as its real value and enlightenment potential for the soul.

Citation [9]

Love is the only experience and force that elevates our minds and hearts towards touching and living the divinity realm. The source and energy behind love existence – the divine love – leads our intuition and destiny to enlightenment through a chosen soul image revealed in our heart, the so-called soulmate. Some of us have only one soulmate to help or share the path to enlightenment, while others have more soulmates along the long road to liberate our souls.

Awareness and consciousness continue through meditation, mantra and praying as we feel divine love and adoration toward the beloved soul image in our hearts. We don’t need words, facts, or connections in the real world with the beloved soul image on the path to enlightenment through divine love. The only practice required is to allow the feeling of love revealed in our heart to evolve and reach the infi nite and absolute state of existence becoming this way, one with the divine love existence.

Citation [10]

The practice to make your feeling stronger is diff erent from how it looks. That feeling from the source of divine love existence is the same all the time, like a river of life. The awareness and consciousness becoming clear and settled in your mind through time make you feel it strongest this way.

A mirror represents the best analogy for divine love existence. You have the mirror, the soul refl ected by the mirror, and awareness of this process. The mirror itself is divine love. Awareness of the process of refl ection between soul and divine love existence is the divine love reflection.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 191 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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