Daily meditation:
The fall of my heart – accept the fate…
Nine years ago, my heart had the biggest fall than at any other time before. It happened because what it suppose to be forever ended unexpectedly.
I never felt the aversion of fate like those times ever. And I was so stubborn that I didn’t give up even after nothing left to be achieved fighting with destiny.
I believed that it’s enough one soul to love, and things will follow. Later on, I understood that destiny can’t be changed if it’s not written to change.
You can try though, but even this isn’t another way of predestination?!
The problem was that I felt a long time before the grim path of destiny to come. But one thing is to see it or feel it and another to walk on the trail.
I couldn’t give up without giving all the chances that my soul can do, mainly a time for reflection.
But time changes as well our mind and concepts, in the end, going to the point of no return.
So after many years of sorrow, I had to give up on trying.
At that moment, after years of trials and fighting, when I gave up declaring unwanted destiny a winner, my fate has wholly changed, and here I am…
Changed the country, changed me, changed everything.
The lesson learned is if it’s going to happen, you can’t do anything about it other than accept it and move on.