Daily meditation:
The heart of Divine Love reflected in religions…

In every religion or belief, there is the inner heart of those who felt the divine love closer than other soul images.
Their teachings and heart exposed became more intimate and vital for the future of the enlightenment practice than religion itself in general.

The essential religions by numbers of devotes are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Their heart centres dedicated to divine love devotion to attain enlightenment are as follows:
• The heart of Christianity is Hesychasm represented very well in the book “The Way of a Pilgrim”.
• The heart of Islam is Sufism with its beautiful poetry of love sang by Sufi mystic Rumi.
• The heart of Hinduism is Bhakti Yoga, also known as The Yoga of Love and Devotion, who attains enlightenment through love devotion to a personal God or love for the Divine.
• The heart of Buddhism is Zen which points out the enlightenment of human beings achieved through meditation.

Essential for all hearts of love devoted to divine love in these religion centres is to dedicate life to love feeling as a divinity through individual enlightenment and practice.
Most of them have as crucial points of practice to repeat a mantra, a praying continuously of few words, and total dedication to love feeling for divinity representing God as chosen by each belief system.

Also on the rise are those souls who lost God’s belief as described in religions, so-called atheists or agnostics. And soon probably will be in the first place as technology discoveries go beyond gods’ powers from views.

All souls of any side, believers or not, could acknowledge the existence of love as a divinity because human love is a personal experience of each one of them.

The heart of Divine Love in life is the human love between two soul images who becomes aware and conscious about the existence of love as a divinity.
Seeing and believing the divinity of love reflected in their soul’s existence will become the practice to the enlightenment of their souls.

No religion or belief system is needed because it’s in our nature the existence of divine love.

That’s why it writes in the Bible:
“I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Highest.’ “

Also, love is, without doubt, the vital ingredient to reach the enlightenment and experience divinity in all religions and beliefs or practices around the world since ancient times.

Information notes:

Religious views on love


Psalm 82:6 (You are gods)






The Way of a Pilgrim


The Way of a Pilgrim: and The Pilgrim Continues His Way









Bhakti yoga


Bhakti Yoga: The Yoga of Love and Devotion






What are the most widely practised religions of the world?


About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 193 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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