Daily meditation:
The power of your mind…
Mysterious and otherworldly…
How else would you call an event that happens at once in your mind?!
You are working on something that takes all your attention as part of the job or action you are involved. But instantly, the soul image of the beloved one pop-out on your mind screen, at the same time with a flash of hyper feelings inside your heart.
I understand why the heart feelings event is happening, as it’s created by divine love reflection from our soul existence, sometimes being aware, other times not, but always present.
My mind can’t permanently pay attention to soul image reflection from the heart feeling, especially when busy with everyday life things.
And still, in some moments, out of nowhere, the soul image fills up the mind screen unexpectedly.
What strange and unseen forces make it happen?!
The divine love effect creates events and actions without our interference.
When you are aware and conscious about your actions, you know that it is with your participation or you have a say on some moments occurred due to your efforts as well.
These are pure moments of divine love reflection of soul image because it just happens.
Occasionally I wonder…
Could it be a result of our souls’ communication, unseen and beyond time and space?!
Or because of soul image mind acts as a result of divine love reflection?!
Our mind is a powerful tool in existence.
We are not fully aware of how powerful our mind is yet.
That’s why in the scriptures it is said that even with our mind we can be sinners.
Actually, from our mind start action, so our mind is the source of all good and evil actions.
Our mind creates good and evil gods and forces.
Miracles happen due to sharp minds and not because of the existence of all deities. Or bluntly speaking, without a powerful mind praying, miracles can’t happen.
The unseen realm can’t change our reality without a powerful mind, respectively, a soul behind it.
So remember how strong it is your mind when you are full of hate and rage because this is destroying your inner self and health.
Instead, try to cultivate into your mind the divine love awareness and practice love mantra of divine love reflection of soul image in your heart and soul.
This mindset will generate moments of happiness and pure joy in your life and beloved soul image as well.
Also, it is the path to the enlightenment through the divine live reflection, and it starts with the pure feeling of human love.