Daily meditation:
1001 thoughts against feelings of love
The biggest enemy against love and our feelings isn’t the destiny or anything else other than our mind.
It’s like a quiet monster that is waiting in the shadow to attack at the proper moment. One second of distraction and our mind will take the lead and thoughts that we didn’t know before come bother our heart and feelings.
Patience’s not a mind virtue but a heart quality. The heart can wait as long as needed; in the end, the fact that love exists within it’s all it requires. Also, the time and space in the heart disappear. Only the mind is obsessed with things to happen as soon as possible due to fear of death.
The heart follows the unknown and values immortality and the energy that is not changing, also the silence. The mind is always bored and unstable. Silence is like a killing virus for the brain.
That’s why meditation is a cure for the mind.
From ancient times, the heart mantra has been used to overcome the mind control over the heart. Keeping the mind focused on the praying, won’t have time for other thoughts. Combined with the controlled breathing and deep feelings of divine love, the mantra becomes a powerful practice on the path of enlightenment.
In some point in time, people lost the knowledge and awareness of reflection of the divine love in human love. This way, human love became ordinary, yet the most desired accomplishment in life. Our souls have written in their existence the code of divine love. That’s why searching for a soulmate came to be ideal for all of us.
For a long time ago, it came to realize that some of us don’t have only one soulmate for all our existence.
There is a limit to find one of our soulmates due to life expectancy and the place we are living in and if we believe in reincarnation then obviously can’t be only one in aeons of the soul’s existence.
And indeed, it doesn’t depend on our soul other than the divine love that matches our souls.
In the same way, it just happened to fall in love with Her.
It was like being struck by the light of divine love when I saw her eyes inside my heart. At that moment, the thunder of love echo in my heart came into my mind later on.
Soulmate, long-time soul sharing love in the past lives?!
Who knows how many unseen things lurk in the shadow of our destiny?!
All I know is that my mind laughs at every downfall from receiving a sign in reality from Her… Any sign…
But what my mind doesn’t understand is that my heart is happy just living love for Her and nothing else. Any expectations are failures of the mind to see the beauty of pure love in our souls.