Daily meditation:
Don’t think anything about divine love… Live with it.
If it happens to find the loved one in this life, whatever you do, don’t think about it.
From the moment that you allow your mind to analyse your feelings and doubt about all process, your life will be in agony.
It makes sense because your mind is logic, facts and certain things are the base of its existence.
On the other hand, heart feelings are from another realm, and love felt inside is not rational.
Don’t reject these feelings thinking that will find another chance or the soul image revealed in your heart does not fit with your ideas or desires.
It might be only one chance in your entire life to feel real love, that crazy love beyond your mind grasp.
Once you accepted feeling the love inside, you can start seeing and understanding the reflection of divine love in its existence inside your heart.
It’s simple. Don’t think at all about love, divine love and soul, feel it until it burns your heart.
You think that the soul image whom you feel love it’s the reason for your feelings.
But if you try to go deeper in your heart and for a moment to feel love without any support and any soul image, concentrate on the feelings, you will see that love exist in itself. It’s a feeling that is not from this world; it’s magic.
It will be even simpler if it’s no logic to feel love anymore, maybe because love is not shared back or denied. Or better yet, although you are madly in love and no support for your feelings, however, you can’t give up on love felt.
In those moments if you realise that love is not just a feeling and to live with love inside your heart just because it makes you happy you are on the path to feel the divine love awareness and consciousness.
Don’t give up on love and try to feel its warmness day after day more intense in your life.
Don’t give up on soul image as well because it will help you more, and it will be easier to feel the divine love. Especially at the beginning when everything it’s new and unworldly.
In a point in time, the divine love will become one with your existence if you keep going and don’t give up on its existence into your heart.
It won’t happen fast and easy, that’s for sure. The more open your heart is, the quicker and enormous feeling of divine love will be.
Because of its divinity felt in your heart and mind, you will start searching for proofs and teaching of its existence. God and religions though won’t be enough to describe it.
The feelings from your heart are real and alive, while ideas and doctrines are not.
In the end, the only teacher left to understand the existence of divine love it’s your heart.
It means you will realise that the soul image revealed in your heart is not randomly selected, and the feeling of love is a gift and a blessing.
If you feel love like possession having the soul image uncovered, that’s not the real love. Could be a passion, desire or anything else that your mind is dreaming, but not your heart.
Love is a blessing, not a thing to be owned.
That’s how I feel about my feelings for Her.
It doesn’t have to be my soul image chosen in her heart. I would prefer for Her to choose divine love feeling over my soul image anytime.
Our soul images anyway are passing moments in this world, but divine love feeling is immortal.
Destiny will decide if we’ll be together in this life or the next one or the multiverse.
If not at all, so be it.
All I want is her happiness with or without Me next to Her.
At least, the divine love to live in her heart.
And this way embedded in her existence is a part of my soul.