Deep meditation: Just spread the love…

Along the time, for dozens of years living with divine love awareness and consciousness in my heart, the scent of its existence dispersing around to other souls became proof of its unseen effect.

Feeling the love inside our hearts, knowing its source and its divinity awareness – divine love, it’s spreading around to other souls and reality itself.
Divine love is like a shield that protects the shrine that inhabits while worshipped.

When love is burning in our heart like a fire within, the only option that helps your soul handle happy sorrow is to spread the love around our existence.

The fastest way to see the effects of spreading the love around is through animals because their safe mechanism is not as dense as humans.
Love is perceived in raw form by animals, hence easier to feel it.

It happens the same in the middle of nature.
Everything around us is embalmed in love – raw love.
We lost direct connection with it due to evolution, mind-centred instead of heart as a centre.
When we shift the centre towards the heart, a new world opens in front of our eyes.
We’ll start to see through feelings, not through the mind thoughts.
The thoughts will be a result of feelings and intuition, not due to logical and material side.

A direct connection with pure raw love happens when we become aware of the divine love source in heart feelings.
Eyes become a medium to connect with the beloved soul due to the reflection of the heart feelings.
It’s like magic connecting hearts through eyes, revealing the soul existence through our feelings.

Worshipping the divine love in our hearts being aware and conscious, open the door to the unseen realm of its existence and magical things and events start to unleash the butterfly effect of its presence reflection uncovering the connection between souls.
Actions of divine love reflection, unknown and unseen, happen since the beginning of existence, but when it’s acknowledged through our hearts and souls, life has a new and profound meaning on the path to the Enlightenment.

If we want to free up our souls from the shackles of our destiny, we have to spread the love around us without expectations or rewards, only accepting the pure feeling of love have to exist in our hearts.

Mother Teresa: Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.

About the author

Raz Mihal wrote 188 articles on this blog.

A modern hermit who admires art, photography, beautiful souls and places.Writer and author of the books "Just Love Her" (published 09/07/2024) and "Hearts of Love" (translation for English/Korean in progress). In works ( ◜‿◝ ): ♡ "The Goddess Within" ♡

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