Technology and the enlightenment – for better and worse…
“Any extremely advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Many people are against technology, but I believe that in the future, it will make life easier for all soul images in search of enlightenment.
Nowadays, not many people can dedicate their lives to meditation, art, culture, working in the middle of a society which it’s not ready for this.
Moreover, it isn’t even the idea of the path to enlightenment for all its members in our civilisation.
I believe that in the future, even androids or whatever AI technology will create to give birth to a singularity effect will have its soul.
The soul takes any form of existence that provides a connection where it can express and live a real-life, even technology.
So probably in the future will have to consider also robots a form of life and to protect it. Of course, it won’t be easy.
If I would make a bet, technology is the only thing that could save us from destruction.
But the human race shouldn’t meddle with its AI existence and evolution created for it, to adapt to our mindset for war.
At the same time, it will be harder to reach enlightenment due to so much information and open doors to the unknown.
The mind now is overwhelmed relatively easy because of events or phenomena of so-called miracles and magic. Everything that can’t explain the results logically against all the odds passes the mind and reaches the awareness and consciousness of souls’ existence.
When all the powers and miracles happen due to advanced technologies, a veil will cloud the soul that won’t be easy to see through.
The idea of God will be even more abstract, and it will lose interest as more hidden forces come to the understanding of our limited minds.
There will be though only one idea and experience – and this is love – that can pass the test of time and technology because its existence is not based on miracles, and it’s in everybody’s life.
Indeed, love is the only knowledge that will not perish or be undermined by technological discoveries.
And it’s only one step left to have its rightful place amongst Gods and creation, namely the awareness and consciousness of its divinity – the Divine Love.