Daily meditation:
Telepathy – the outcome of love and devotion
What means to become one with the soul you are in love?!
One outcome could be telepathy. Sharing and feeling thoughts and existence altogether.
Imagine having access instantly to the other soul. Individuality will become duality, not because of differences but due to the same path of enlightenment.
We can’t imagine it because it’s out of this world now. Who knows in the future?!
Technology started to do something about it outside of our bodies, but we are born with this ability.
This ability can happen in your daily routine. Just focus on the love feeling from your heart and spread it through your mind around you everywhere you go.
And use the mantra of love and breathing in and out, filling your lungs with air slowly and relaxed.
In time you’ll notice that people will start giving back your feelings of love. Those who are “bad” will feel fear or at least will try to avoid you.
Love is a powerful “weapon” if it’s used all the time until it becomes your heart breathing. Love is called nicely in the scriptures “the blood of God”.
I went further in my meditations and called it the divine love and seeing human love as a reflection of it.
When you become aware of the connection between “human love”, “the divine love” and “the reflection of the divine love”, the soul is revealed. These instances of love are the Trinity of God as I see it through divine love vision.
All representations have an existence by themselves and at the same time interconnected as one.
Love is the language of the soul.
That’s why feelings don’t need words or actions to communicate. When you see a person in love, you will recognise the signs.
Could this be a way to communicate and share feelings with Her?!
Only Her knows and feel if it’s true or not.