Daily meditation:
When divine love becomes one with both souls sharing its reflection inside the hearts of soul images
Everyone who experienced the first time being in love knows that is so special and never forgotten. How about the second or the third time or several times?
That’s one of the other essential things that makes a difference when you are aware of the source of human love – the divine love. First love is not the most important or the next one…
Important is to keep alive love in your heart no matter what and always be aware of its source – the infinite and absolute divine love.
Every time you share this love with another soul, you are thankful for it as a gift and happy just for living it and nothing else.
Love that you are feeling it in your heart becomes one with the loved one through divine love as a bond beyond any limits.
You won’t ever count or measure your feelings for a soul you love or loved because every moment it’s unique. Every soul is individual. Your only hope is that love won’t separate your soul images ever… And even if it happens, you will never forget nor hate that soul image.
Because it happens… Usually, not both soul images are aware of the reflection of divine love in their feelings. And this is why human love, although it is highly praised, is not seen at its real value and enlightenment potential for the soul.
On the other side, when you become aware of its source, the human love becomes one with the divine love and step up beyond boundaries and limits that mind is constricted to.
My mind is blown every time how the divine love chooses the soul image for the feelings from my heart. Only divine love has the power to foresee the potential of two souls to become one living it.
When both soul images are aware of that and fight for it… Well… Magical and mystical things start to happen inside and outside. Time and space become obsolete.
The hardest part is to be away from Her… I would be happy just by seeing Her every day in reality, not only in my mind eye. My heart aches to miss Her.
Will destiny allow our soul images to connect and become one ever in this life or others?!