Heart versus brain

Daily meditation: Why my heart is acting before the brain? Long-time no see my sweet ‘heart’. Almost forgotten times from the past when my heart aches touching love goddess. My mind always tried to conquer these feelings like ‘God is Love’. And...

Step up into the light

There are so many years since I gave up to make a place for my feelings into words. I thought back then and still agreeing now that words are a mere reflection of real feelings. Mere words can’t imprison Love. Just think about it. ‘LOVE’ and even...

In her eyes

 I am lost myself whenever I look into her eyes. That moment when the glimpse of her beautiful soul is reflecting in rays of the eye’s light feels like an eternity. How can you feel the eternity of love just by looking into eyes?! It’s the eternity of soul in which is...

Missing Her

Countless days passed already since waiting for these feelings towards Her to settle down. My life lately became Her, and the rest of my existence is like a picture. I am waiting to paint over with colours over the sketches of a pen. I try to remember at what point my...
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