Her lives in my heart

Visions: Her lives in my heart… “Petals fall, but the flower endures… ” Even if the gates of destiny seems to shut off the connection related to her soul image, my heart became a shelter for Her.Her soul lives close to my being for a long time...

Touch of souls

Visions: Touch of souls… My heart many times yearn for a touch of her lips, hands… a glimpse into her mysterious eyes. Is it my heart beatings or hers I hear in my mind while missing Her?!Many times, time lost its touch over my soul image, and my Self feels the scent...

Greatness of love

Visions: Greatness of love… Feelings of love in our hearts give us the perception of greatness and divinity hidden deep into our souls. Feeling love for Her knowing the Divine Love source feels unworldly, and it raises the consciousness of importance maintaining...

The unthinkable love

Visions: The unthinkable love… Whatever you do when feeling love, don’t think about it, don’t analyse it. Only let yourself lost in the ocean of infinite and absolute love. Sometimes I feel connected with her soul on a deeper level that I can’t...

Humans are like a virus for nature

Visions: Humans are nature’s virus… To evolve and spread worldwide as nowadays for humans, it took hundreds of thousands of years.And only a few centuries to eliminate other species, destroy the environment and use most of our planet’s...

Quantum choices

Visions: Quantum choices… Everything around us scientific and religious points of view and facts suggests an order in the apparent chaos that exists and leads to the creation of life as it is. The truth about a predetermined destiny where everything is bound to happen...

Past lives inside dreams

Memories of my Self: Past lives inside dreams… For a few years ago dreams are not like common dreams anymore.And since there are so many and full of feelings at different times and places… It resembles memories from past lives.Some stories from my dreams echo when...

Web of life

Visions: Web of life… Staring down on the web of life from the highest axis of time itself, it makes me wish to have had even the most minor role in her existence. Thoughts born out of love feelings for Her give meaning to my inner world based on visions related...

Who is HER

Just Love Her: Who is Her?! “Her” is anybody’s dream out there in the real world or could be someone dreaming of love out of this world. “Her” is a personification of the divine love through soul into a ‘soul image’ revealed...
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