That Birmingham feeling

Walking meditation: That Birmingham feeling not found in Redditch, my home… Every town has its personality and feeling translated into our hearts and souls through unseen and unknown relation with past lives or realities.Same it happens with countries,...

Why feelings of love for Seoul, Korea

Daily meditation: Why feelings of love for Seoul, hence for Korea?! Is it because of Her?!Is it because of past lives and memories related to Seoul?! Indeed, the feeling of love for Her is the most critical factor. But can’t forget my heart connection with all...

Moments in time with Her

Visions: Moments in time with Her – realities unleashed… Many moments with Her come to my memories of the soul akasha taken from the time capsules floating on the ocean waves of time blowing off on the memories shore.Stories unravel one by one behind the...

The higher state of conciousness

Visions: A higher state of consciousness… Just love Her it means literally to don’t take any action or do anything to bother the beloved soul image.It means to love so deep her soul that everything it’s left in the hands of destiny. The only...

One-way love

Visions: One-way love – ‘axis of time’… It has been quite a long time since a moment with Her hit me straight in the deeps of my heart. A glimpse of a moment with her soul image made my heart flutter so fast and hard that amazed me how...

The immutable law of Divine Love

Deep meditation: The immutable law of Divine Love… It’s a sure thing that divine love connects with our soul through our heart all the time.We are not aware of this connection because we lost the perception of love as a divinity and our soul’s...

Someone to love

Deep meditation:Someone to love – the stage to start the path of enlightenment through divine love… When we found someone to love through divine love feeling reflected in our hearts, we become aware of everything that surrounds us.The sky is the escape for...

The secret about mantras and prayers

Deep meditation: The hidden secret about mantras and prayers… Mantras and prayers repeated daily connect our existence with the realm of divinity. A mantra – repeating the same words continuously – can’t be done without feelings. Also, the...

Mantras – praying of divine love

Deep meditation: The practice and benefits of mantras – prayers of divine love… Prayers and mantras of divine love are slightly different from other beliefs due to heart feelings being more personal and seeing divinity of love as having a shrine inside our...
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