
The masters of my life

Daily meditation: The masters of my life... The masters of my life to reach the knowledge of my soul and enlightenment were the soul images revealed...

Music of my heart and soul

Daily meditation: Music of my heart and soul… I was blessed in my life to have access always to the music and movies more than I needed. And this...

In the shadow of my soul

Daily meditation: In the shadow of my soul... My mind voice is the greatest critic of them all.If I would be worried that my Ego would go haywire...

Reminiscence of past and mind

Daily meditation: Reminiscence of past lives and mind troubles... Always for me was more attractive the future than the past of myself. While the...

Feeling Her so deep…

Daily meditation: Feeling Her so deep… deep… deep… Too deep. More than a dozen of beliefs are in drafting. But the soul image of Her keeps covering...

Signs of love

Daily meditation: Signs of divine love reality... "If you would have known... the divinity of love... you will feel remorse... to be worried!""I'm...

What’s going on

Daily meditation: What's going on?! Times when… There are times when I feel love burning my heart to tears missing Her.Times when I feel the craving...

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