
The long road to Seoul, Korea

Daily meditation: The long road to S(e)oul - the destiny awaits... Flying to Paris… À Paris mon cher š'il te plait! It started the long journey...

Not good enough…

Daily meditation: Not good enough… It hit me finally…What else other than love can I offer to Her?!Unconditional and absolute love… it's all I know...

Looking at Her

Daily meditation: Looking at Her… Whenever I look at Her, I can't get enough. I want to see Her one more time… and one more time. And no thoughts...

Do you think we have time?!

Daily meditation: The only one… Do you think we have time?! I pray with all my being to my lovely friends to pass my feelings to Her. To let her...

Clear your mind programming

Daily meditation: Clear your old mind programming… To access the higher state of mind, you have to clear your mind programming and start from the...

Kneeling to feelings for Her

Daily meditation: Kneeling in front of feelings for Her… Feeling such strong feelings inside my heart due to the presence of Her…I have to kneel my...

The silence between words

Daily meditation: The silence between words… Once in a while, start listening to the silence between words spoken.In that silence is breathing out...

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