One sweet moment of love pain missing Her

Daily meditation: One sweet moment of love pain missing Her – tears of happy sorrow… Suddenly, it comes to that moment kept subtle inside in the heart’s voids for months of missing Her.Tears flooding eyes, rolling out from the deep of feelings hidden and...

Science of divine love

Daily meditation: Science of divine love – heart is proof of its existence… Miracles exist until science prove that is reasoning or a good explanation and fact behind it.After that, the magic of moments is lost, admired only by the mind unaware of the science...

Shadow of divine love feeling

Daily meditation: Shadow of divine love feeling – take the courage to jump in the unknown… Many souls out there are afraid to admit the feeling of love inside their hearts.Moreover, they run as far as possible from their heart pulse of love.Hiding in the mind...

Realities or only one reality?!

Deep meditation: Is there only one reality or more realities than the mind can imagine?! Back in the UK… Back home.It feels the distance so profound that it’s no question in the future about feelings related to Her while at home and in Seoul. However, it’s...

One thousand kisses of love for Her

Daily meditation of love: One thousand kisses (천번의 입맞춤) of divine love feeling for Her delivered over her soul image existence… I had the most beautiful dream with Her.Being with her soul image beyond time and space, touching her lips and delivering with my lips one...

Last moments of Seoul

Daily meditation: Last moments of contemplation while in Seoul, Korea… Sorrow… Felt like leaving home and family although nothing, in reality, is waiting for me in these places (or I’m not aware of) possibly linked to my past lives or unknown facts.Tears are...

Colour over black and white moments of divine love

Deep meditation: Colour over black and white moments of divine love in last days in Seoul, Korea… As proof that divine love exists beyond our minds and bodies, making a shrine from our heart through our soul, last days in Seoul brought feelings of pure love colouring...

Unique moments of love in Seoul

Daily meditation: Unique moments of love feeling Her in Seoul, Korea… I will miss the most being in Seoul the feeling of closeness to her existence all around the places. I feel like a stranger in this world anywhere I go due to peculiar love inside my heart.Inside my...

Every day is a new beginning and end

Daily meditation: Every day is a new beginning and end – it’s a celebration of lost and found love… For a long time, celebrations for different events and time passing year ending became a daily sentiment inside my heart. Every day it feels like the...
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