The Book: ‘Just Love Her’
Join me in the journey to know Her on the path to enlightenment through Divine Love.
First Part:
Second Part:
Most of the writing excerpts are in the section below…
Third Part:
It will be available only in the published book.
'Feelings are real, while the story not in this reality... Maybe in one of the alternate realities of the multiverse.'
Colour over black and white moments of divine love
Deep meditation: Colour over black and white moments of divine love in last days in Seoul, Korea… As proof that divine love exists beyond our minds and bodies, making a shrine from our heart through our soul, last days in Seoul brought feelings of pure love colouring...
Unique moments of love in Seoul
Daily meditation: Unique moments of love feeling Her in Seoul, Korea… I will miss the most being in Seoul the feeling of closeness to her existence all around the places. I feel like a stranger in this world anywhere I go due to peculiar love inside my heart.Inside my...
Every day is a new beginning and end
Daily meditation: Every day is a new beginning and end - it's a celebration of lost and found love... For a long time, celebrations for different events and time passing year ending became a daily sentiment inside my heart. Every day it feels like the first and the...
The heart of Divine Love
Daily meditation: The heart of Divine Love reflected in religions... In every religion or belief, there is the inner heart of those who felt the divine love closer than other soul images.Their teachings and heart exposed became more intimate and vital for the future...
No love shouting only love feelings in silence
Daily meditation: No love shouting only feelings of love in silence… In the beginning, moments are feeling the love when it's needed to shout your inner noise to let it all out to ease the tension inside your heart.It makes sense as everything is new and your body and...
The burden of spreading the message of divine love reflection
Daily meditation: The burden of spreading the message of divine love reflection… into existence... My destiny didn't bless me with any talent at all. No singing, poetry, acting, not writing as well. Or maybe the last one it's debatable in the future… or not. Despite...

Further Explorations into the Themes of Just Love Her: Connections Between Pop Culture, Science, and Divine Love
In continuing to explore the deeper themes of Just Love Her, this article seeks to expand on how the book connects spiritual concepts with modern cultural references, particularly The Matrix, and scientific frameworks such as quantum mechanics. These elements may seem...