
Many faces of Her

Lurking like a shadow of time, Her is waiting, again and again. To be discovered and share the existence of divine love as a divinity through...

Bleeding divine love

Visions: Bleeding divine love through the cracks of my soul… While balming in rivers of divine love flowing through my heart, these unworldly...

Poetic love

Poetry is divine love lost in translation!Raz Mihal Poetry is a pleasant way to compress in a few words so many feelings.That's why poetry, the same...

Communication through feelings

Visions:  Communication through feelings... Twin Flame Synchronicities beyond time and space. No words are needed when souls communicate through...

Technology and the enlightenment

Visions: Technology and the enlightenment - for better and worse…“Any extremely advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Many people...

Who am “I”?!

Visions: Who am "I"?! And Her answered: "I am the silence between the words, the whisper of the wind through the leaves of the trees, the touch of...

While missing Her

Visions: While missing Her... More than one year passed since my thoughts and feelings started to escape in writing missing Her in the depths of my...

Hungry for love

Visions:  When hungry for love,… look up to the sky... Every time I feel hungry for love, I rise my eyes looking up to the sky. And there...

Loving Divine Love

Visions:  Loving Divine Love… when love becomes God inside... Most religions worship God due to fear of punishment in this life or next to...

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