Telepathy – the outcome of love

Daily meditation: Telepathy – the outcome of love and devotion What means to become one with the soul you are in love?! One outcome could be telepathy. Sharing and feeling thoughts and existence altogether. Imagine having access instantly to the other soul....

Magical and mystical love

Daily meditation: Magical and mystical love – it’s like a dream except it isn’t When you feel the divine love connected with your human love, you lose the sense of time and space between you and your loved one. You wake up one day and looking back is...

Always thinking of Her

Daily meditation: Always thinking of Her beyond my mind… Reading past writings of thoughts and feelings of Her along the time… Time passed, and I didn’t feel it. Time and space disappeared from my mind since my heart became a shrine for Her. Every time now and...

Moments of love

Daily meditation: Moments of love… beyond ‘simple’ love… moments of Her… Burning heart… painful memories from the past… dreaming of past lives while sleeping… Some people are born just to be loved, others to live in pain and others only to share their...

Music of the soul: Hey Laura – Gregory Porter

Daily meditation: Hey Laura – Gregory Porter, feelings deep from the music of the soul Feelings… Like never before… Or maybe due to the divine love whenever sharing feelings with a soul image is totally new. It will never get bored in a human love being aware of...

An impossible yet possible love

Daily meditation: An impossible yet possible love. Hope dies last. Since the first time when experienced the divine love reflection in human love, every soul image chosen for the heart to be the representation of its existence will be a provocation for the soul. It...

When divine love becomes one with souls

Daily meditation: When divine love becomes one with both souls sharing its reflection inside the hearts of soul images Everyone who experienced the first time being in love knows that is so special and never forgotten. How about the second or the third time or several...

I’m going to dream of Her in the middle of the day

Daily meditation: And I’m going to dream of Her in the middle of the day for the rest of my life Have you had ever the impression that your body isn’t enough suited for your soul? That your mind is not enough prepared for your intuition? That ideas and...

Out of this world

Daily meditation: Out of this world… Out of mind. Talking about divine love is like talking about the mystery of life. Although it was considered the essential element in all religions and practices to enlightenment since ancient times, human life didn’t...
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